Non 12 Step Program | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Non 12 Step Program

I am very worried about a cousin who recently lost his mother to cancer. I am 12 years his senior and I treat him like my own brother. Before he left for campus after the funeral service, I noticed that he was taking a lot of pills. I didn't ask him what pills those were but he definitely was not "sick". I am afraid that he may be addicted to the pills because he is depressed.

I would like to approach my cousin to seek help with his depression that caused him to be addicted to pills. If possible, I would like to get him enrolled in a non 12 step rehab program. I have no personal experience but I have read so much about it, I think he should give it a try.

I myself feel very sad about my aunt's demise. At 64, she was still too young to leave but we just have to try to learn to cope. Drowning our sorrows with pills or alcohol or worse, drugs, is never the solution, though.

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