Free BIGGBY Bumper Sticker | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Free BIGGBY Bumper Sticker

Image courtesy of B-Happy Lounge

There was a phase in my collector's life that I collected bumper stickers. I have no idea why because I didn't even have a car then. LOL Somehow, I stopped collecting bumper stickers, perhaps they don't really keep well.

If you love bumper stickers, especially when they are free, well bumper stickers are usually free, then get yours from this website that I am featuring today. It's a "I 'heart' Biggby Coffee" bumper sticker. Not bad if you REALLY love the coffee. As for me, I haven't even heard of this brand of coffee before.

Send an email to toys[at] with the Subject line: 'Mail my Bumper Sticker to:' I have no idea if there are geographical restrictions but there's no harm trying. Emails are free too, after all!

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