Free Consultation On TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Free Consultation On TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit

I read about TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit less than a week ago. Even though I am not affected, I feel outraged just the same for anyone who has been a victim of TransUnion, a credit company, that alledgedly illegally sold confidential credit information to marketing companies. It is said that those who applied for credit in the United States between the years of 1987 and 2000 are affected and are eligible for compensation.

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath is offering free consultation to anyone who thinks that their confidential information has been compromised by TransUnion and targetted by marketing companies with unsolicited email spam or phone calls. For more information, click on the link that I have enclosed in this post.

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