One Of The Busiest Months | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, December 04, 2009

One Of The Busiest Months

December is one of the busiest months in the whole year for me. The other busy month is the month when we celebrate Chinese New Year, of course. Well, besides taking care of the family, there's also my work to take care of. Working for myself, I do not have "annual leave" let alone bonus but I do enjoy my work!

My friends commented that I have lost a lot of weight lately, probably because of the stress of nursing a sick pet and the lack of proper rest. They joke that if this goes on, I can do away with my weight loss pills already.

Not so fast, I think. December right up until way after Chinese New Year is "food season", when we spend most of our time feasting! I wonder how much weight I am going gain this season. LOL

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