Free Extremely Cute Printables, Graphics & Clipart | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, December 04, 2009

Free Extremely Cute Printables, Graphics & Clipart

Image courtesy of Graphic Garden

I like to search for websites that offer free printable and web graphics. I don't know why because I hardly print these printables because of the ink they consume and I hardly have time to make changes to my websites and blogs but I feel inspired and refreshed when I see something really cute and it always amazes me that there are kind designers out there who willingly share their work with web users without monetary gain.

Today, I had the good fortune to come across this website called Graphic Garden. At first glace, it looks like the work of my friend, who runs Cute Colors but the designer of Graphic Garden is a Swedish lady by the name of Helena.

Anyway, if you are looking for cute printables, web graphics and clipart, this is a good starting point. However, as always, make sure that you read the terms of use carefully first!

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