Free Online Mobile Theme Creator & Editor | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Free Online Mobile Theme Creator & Editor

Image courtesy of OwnSkin

My friend, Paul, bought a new Nokia mobile phone last week as a Christmas present to himself and he said that he has been looking for free Nokia themes for his phone but none caught his eye. I said that if he is this fussy, he should create his own themes but he said he doesn't know how to. Heck, I don't know how to!

So I went searching online to see if there's a easy way to create our own mobile themes or skins and found this website called OwnSkin. It provides a free tool that lets us create our own mobile theme, even animated ones, or we could edit an existing theme. Also, if you would like to share your themes with other users of OwnSkin, you could do so easily. The site allows you to store your themes by providing unlimited storage.

My friend has yet to try out this tool but if you have used it before or will try it out soon, let me know how well you like it.

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