December - Month of Holiday! | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, November 27, 2009

December - Month of Holiday!

December is a month that goes by too swiftly. Like most people, I take my annual vacation in December and I don't want it to end! You know, I have been so busy this past month, I haven't decided yet what to do with my vacation. I can't even decide how long I want to go on a vacation. Of course, it would be best if I could go on a month long vacation but that's not realistic. My family needs me too.

My friend asked if I wanted to go on an adult vacation. Frankly, I would like to try but if I were to go, I wouldn't let my parents know about it or they would try to stop me, and then spoil my mood for a vacation!

I read that adult vacations are very popular. I am not surprised. I believe that adult resorts allow vacationers to really be themselves without feeling self-conscious. And that is something that I so want to do, to throw away all my inhibitions, finally.

Anyway, right now, I cannot think of anyone whom I want to go on an adult vacation with. It has to be someone special, of course, and I haven’t come across such a person yet, unfortunately. LOL

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