Valentine's Day Special | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day is not only for lovers but also for friends and family. I have been thinking of getting something for my mom. My sister suggested that we get her a coffee maker. You may think it is rather odd, but she is a coffee lover and has been hinting of buying one whenever we pass by stores that sell coffee makers.

The reason that she did not buy one is because they are too expensive for her and she would feel guilty spending on a coffee maker that only she alone would be using since we all don't drink coffee.

But Valentine's Day is different. My sister says that we should get her what she wants and not what we want to buy. I think that it would be so expensive if the three of us shares out the purchase. This one is going to be so special!

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