Fighting That Flab | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Fighting That Flab

A couple of months ago, I mentioned that I wanted to lose weight. I HAVE to. I am not that fat, but I hate that flab and I am imagining it growing bigger and bigger and that terrifies me.

It is not that I dislike fat people but I just don't want to be one myself. It is not that I am afraid to be fat because I am still single and afraid that I can never get married because I am fat, but even if I were married and had children, I would prefer a slim body!

But I am so lazy to exercise! Since my last post, I don’t think I did anything proactive in losing weight and it is now Chinese New Year, where the world's Chinese community eat, drink and be merry and I am eating along. EEekkkk!!

I have to promise myself that I have to get my weight loss program started after Chinese New Year, or I will never start! HHmm keeping to that promise is going to be tough!

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