1GB Free Online Storage | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

1GB Free Online Storage

Image courtesy of Drive Headquarters

The other day, my computer suffered a severe crash and I had to send it in for repairs. I told the shop to save my files and I was surprised that my junk took up so much space that I could not fit my data into my back up hard disk! I then thought that I should store my important files off site so that if anything like this happens again, I would still be able to access my files, at least.

I did a search on the internet and came across this website called Drive Headquarters. They are giving away online storage with 1GB space. I don't remember seeing any place giving this much storage space. I am pretty impressed.

However, I have not signed up for an account yet because I will still be doing a little more search and see what I can dig up from the web. If I can't find anywhere with as good a deal as Drive Headquarters then I will sign up with them. Let's see.

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