Help At Your Fingertips | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Help At Your Fingertips

Friends who are close to me know that I panic when my computer acts up. For one, I depend on the computer heavily in the course of my work and I absolutely cannot afford any down time. Another thing is that I get easily stressed out because I don't even know where to start troubleshooting! I have had friends who got fed up of my incessant questions on what to do and HOW to do it that they told me to just send my system to the repair shop but I am cheap. If I could do it myself, why would I pay another to do the same thing, right?

Just now, I was introduced to a very useful website for people like me. wonder if it is a girl thing but even if you are a guy and already well-versed with computers and technology, I am sure you will learn something new from at the website, where the owner, Harley Stagner, scour the internet looking for answers to your questions on computers and technology! I Search, I Bookmark, I Write, You Learn what an appropriate tag line, don't you think so? Well, now that I have an avenue to ask questions, I know where to direct my questions to, except that if I do have questions regarding my computer, then that is not good news to me!

Now, if you do have problems with the computer, technology or the web, and your friends have already given up on you, check out This site allows you to search the bookmarks of the authors as well, pointing to the site with the solution for you for further reading and to let you decide if you would like to follow through with the solution.

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