More Free iPhone Wallpapers | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More Free iPhone Wallpapers

Image courtesy of

Since the day I received my iPhone, I have been playing with my wallpaper everyday. There are just so many free ones online that we could easily save and then upload to our iPhone.

On the other hand, I am only changing my theme like once in a blue moon because I am one hell of a lazy girl!!! Changing my wallpaper, I just have to save them all in a folder, upload to my phone and then access that folder whenever my fancy tickles.

For Christmas, I spent a little time looking for Christmas themed wallpapers and found At first, the sheer number of wallpapers that are available on the site is overwhelming but then I decided to view them by category and managed to view them all. Phew.

The difference between this site and other free iPhone wallpaper sites is that on, we are able to make a request if we do not find what we are looking for. But I think we can also make our own wallpapers by cropping any image to the size of 320 X 480.

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