What Every Homeowner Needs | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Monday, February 05, 2007

What Every Homeowner Needs

The grandparents of my friend, have a holiday home in Florida, USA. As they grow older each year, they felt that some of the features of the house needed some remodification to cater to their age and needs. For instance, they would like to do away with some of the stairs! They need to have easier access to things like a wash basin and they would like the house to have an extra room for the grandchildren.

They said that in America, applying for construction loans for such purchasing of housing land, for construction of the house and in their case, remodeling of home is very popular.

Many people finance their home building plans with construction loans like this since a home is also an investment property whose value appreciates in time.

There are companies that offer “One Time Close” programs for projects like this. Companies like ConstructionLoanCenter offer not only "One Time Close" programs but also expert advice, the best rates in the country and excellent service to meet every homeowner's needs.

This "One Time Close" program is very useful as the home owners need not go through repeat processes of re-qualifying and re-appraisals and end up with a hefty closing bill.

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