Free 60-Day Full Trial To-Do-List | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, January 12, 2007

Free 60-Day Full Trial To-Do-List

Being the forgetful me where I have work piled up so high I don't even remember my own name, I was delighted to discover the nifty program of To-do List.

I think that this is a very simple program where one just needs to input short notes of what to do and after that task is completed, well, just delete it. It also supports drag-and-drop and is compatible with Windows 95 and higher.

Moreover, it is able to print out the list with just a touch of the button. It's all very user- friendly.

You can, like me, download this program for a 60-day free trial. During these two months, you will get to try out the complete features of the program. If you like it, you can buy it at only US$14.95.

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