It's Cheaper To Shop Online | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's Cheaper To Shop Online

I read a few reports online about people who opted to shop online instead of queuing out in the cold waiting for the doors of shopping malls to open on the morning of Black Friday. It seems that these web savvy people have realized that shopping online is generally cheaper than shopping at local stores despite all the "unbeatable" deals on Black Friday.

One lady said that she bought a Bluetooth headset for her husband as a Christmas gift at the same price as sold in stores but she gets free shipping and a free gift too. In addition, she saves on gas, parking and time. The best thing is that she doesn't need to fight with the crowd of shoppers and perhaps end up WITHOUT what she wants to buy in the first place.

Although shopping in the real sense of the word is a great experience, it takes up a lot of time too. Sometimes, one just wants to relax since it’s a holiday. And what better way is there to take it easy than stay at home?

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