Gift Shopping For The Rich | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gift Shopping For The Rich

Gift shopping is really fun because I basically love shopping, online and in a store. However, it is very difficult for me to shop for people who are rich enough that they could get whatever they want whenever they want. They don't have to wait for a sale or worry about busting their credit card.

I have a couple of such friends on my list of gift recipients and I have been mauling over what I should get them this Christmas for the past two weeks! I can't grab just something off the shelf at the mall. I think I will gift something that's health related. Perhaps allergy bedding or a motivational DVD that helps people quit smoking.

There are just two more days to Christmas Eve and I have to make my decision already. Luckily, all the other gifts are wrapped and the Christmas tree is already up. Merry Christmas!

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