Clay Art For Kids | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Clay Art For Kids

My friends, who are mothers with young children, can't wait for the school holidays to be over. Well, I guess being a single person, I wouldn't know the kind of stress they have to put up with! Children are hyperactive and there are only so many TV programs and computer games to keep them occupied.

I told a couple of friends they perhaps they should introduce clay art to their children. it could be a family project and involve everyone, young and old. This creates an opportunity for the family to spend quality time together too. The best thing is that clay art isn't expensive and allows children explore their creativity.

Perhaps, they could buy a pottery tile for each child. I remember when I was a child, I loved to paint the tile with different designs and then applied layers of dry glazes. No, that didn't turn me into a famous painter but I had total freedom of what I wanted to do with my tile and I was not afraid of spoiling it.

I told a friend to buy lead-free glazes only for the children to play with. These are non-toxic and are totally safe to use, even for young kids. I believe clay art would keep the children happy for hours!

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