Information On Online College Courses | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Information On Online College Courses

My sister asked me if I know of any institute of higher learning offering online college courses. She said that after being in the United States for almost nine years now and working the same job, she felt that it is time to upgrade herself with another paper qualification.

Actually, now is a very good time to hit the books again. Many of my friends who have been laid off in this recession and couldn't find a new job after a while decided to continue with their studies. Most of them went to college. I guess they didn't know that they could study just as well in the comfort of home, or wherever they are as long as they are connected to the internet.

Although my sister still has her job, she said that her days are slow. Being in retail, my sister's employer isn't the only one suffering. The good thing is that my sister is allowed to do her own things when there are no customers to serve. I guess she could sneak in sometime to for studies even during work hours.

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