Free Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Free Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Recipes

This morning, I wrote that my sister wanted me to help her look for free holiday recipes. Well, guess what I found online? Thanksgiving from Martha Stewart and they come in a very nice .PDF file that you could print out if you want.

I haven't the time to try out these Thanksgiving recipes yet but I know that my sister will have fun experimenting with these dishes and will be in time for the Thanksgiving dinner party that she proposed to host. Look what she has gotten herself into! Thankfully, we all love to cook, trying out new recipes when we have time.

If you are looking for Thanksgiving recipes, why not give these a try? I am sure you would enjoy the experience. It doesn't matter if your dishes don’t turn out as nicely as shown in this cookbook. The most important thing is that you tried, and had fun trying.

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