Free Kava Recipes | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Free Kava Recipes

Lately, no matter whom I talk to, Kona kava has been on the lips of people. It used to be Noni Juice, then colloidal silver and now it's Kava. There are many different kind of kava products, from beverage to capsule and even in power form.

Now, how does one consume kona kava? If you are more adventurous than just drinking Kava as is or pop those capsules, you may want to try the recipes that I found on

These recipes have been submitted by users of Kona Kava and they have been tried and tested to be delicious and still contain its natural nutrients. If you have not tried Kona kava before in any form, perhaps this is your chance if you could win a free bag from this website!

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