Check The Expiry Of Coupon Codes | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Check The Expiry Of Coupon Codes

Last month, I wrote a post on a coupon code that I discovered and I said that this code will expire at the end of the month, 31st January, 2008.

In February, one random internet surfer came to my blog from the search engine and tried to use that coupon code for his purchase but of course, it has already expired.

The thing is, he didn’t even realize that the day he used it was already 10th February. He thought that it was still only 10th January, 2008. It was so funny to me. Of course, it was not funny to him!

Since I discovered the joys of using online coupons, I have not paid full price for my online purchases. Every time I have successfully used one coupon, I will make a post on my blog so that other readers can benefit from it.

But please, do check the date of my post and also the expiry date of the coupon code!

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