Responsible Caregiving | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Responsible Caregiving

A friend of mine had to quit her job to care for her invalid parent. Actually, she is not the first person to have to do so because I know quite a few people who were forced to retired prematurely to stay in. We can’t depend on the maid entirely, you know?

This friend told me that she spent a little money equipping the home with modern facilities for the disabled. Being the sole full time caregiver, these are very helpful in doing daily tasks for the invalid.

I haven't visited her home yet and do not know what medical gadgetry she has invested in but she told me that if this is prolonged, she may have to install a stair lift at home. Perhaps my parents are right when they say that it is better in the long run to live in a single story house so that the old do not have to climb stairs and put strain on their bodies.

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