The Gwen Stefani Page | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Gwen Stefani Page

Image courtesy of HP

Although Gwen Stefani's kind of music is not to my taste, except for Don't Speak, I think she is someone with style and no matter what she does, people would go OOH and AHH.

The latest craze with Gwen Stefani is the Harajuku dolls where we can play dress up with them. HHmm I had the chance to participate in a Gwen Stefani - Harajuku doll contest recently but I passed up the chance because I am just not creative enough to make my doll stand out. Honestly, one Harajuku doll looks pretty much the same as the next!!!

Anyway, have fun with this Gwen Stefani fun page on the HP website. you must install Flash Player 9 first to see what's so great about this page!

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