Free Flexitol Samples | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Monday, January 07, 2008

Free Flexitol Samples

Image courtesy of Look After Your Feet

I am sure many people suffer from cracked heels and dry skin on the feet. Well, it could be a very stubborn problem to cure and I did read because that a person's heel cracks because of bacteria or something. I am not sure.

The other day, while surfing for freebies, I chanced upon this site called Look After Your Feet which is giving away free Flexitol samples. Flexitol is a name well known for their foot care products, especially for cracked heels and dry skin.

If you have this problem why not write in to them by filling out a simple form and request for free Flexitol samples? You will also be subscribed to the newsletter! This trade off isn't all that bad!

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