1001 Free Fonts | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Sunday, January 06, 2008

1001 Free Fonts

Image courtesy of 1001 Free Fonts

If you are a webmaster or working on a project that requires lettering, I am sure you have gotten bored with what you have on your word processor. I used to buy fonts on CD, and original CDs to boot too. Yes, back then, I was rather stupid. After I discovered free fonts, I downloaded and installed so many, you should have seen the drop down menu of fonts on my word processor. Simply put, I was obsessed!

1001 Free Fonts is, like its name suggests, a site that offers free fonts for downloading, and used on MAC or Windows operated computers. I noticed that they also sell their fonts but I don't really like buying stuff over the internet like that because what happens if your computer crashes and taking your fonts with it? Will you be able to download again at no additional cost?

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