Women's Health Issues | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Women's Health Issues

Last evening, I was talking to a friend and I asked him what niche blogs should I start? He has a range of blogs from personal to travel to women's health to jokes, celebrity gossip and more.

He told me that one of his high earners is his women's health issues blog that is maintained by his wife, a pharmacist. OOOKKK seriously, although it is a high earning niche, I don't see myself writing on women's health issues because I am not in the position to do so and not knowledgeable enough to do it.

Of course, I could do my research on the internet and write about fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, PMS and such but then it would be a daily struggle. Bah.... forget it. I'd rather write about iPhones!

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