Download Ocean Colour Scene's "Go To Sea" | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, December 21, 2007

Download Ocean Colour Scene's "Go To Sea"

Image courtesy of Ocean Colour Scene

I was looking for free music since we can't download them off the internet or risk being fined RM250,000, when I came cross this official website of Ocean Colour Scene. Well, I have not heard of them at all before but I applaud their move to give back to their fans via a free download. It's also a good idea to provide this radio edit which is different from the album version so that they fans will have something different to look forward to.

To download the free track called Go To Sea, you can just click on SKIP button and access the download link. However, Ocean Colour Scene hopes that you will at least sign up to receive their free newsletter to be updated with the band's latest news and happenings.

If I were their fan, I surely would sign up to their mailing list and download this free track!

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