Win $50 Ca$h From Bloggrrl | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Win $50 Ca$h From Bloggrrl

Image courtesy from Bloggrrl

I just got news of this contest and I AM NOT LETTING IT PASS. I am going to try my luck because it is THE easiest contest ever. I may have said that some other contests were easy but this one surpassed those! What you need to do is just link up to Bloggrl's Cow Patty Bingo Contest!

To gain an extra chance, just mention in the same post which is your favorite Bloggrrl article. I have many but one of the most recent ones, 9 Ways Your Dog Is Different From You, takes the cake, mainly because I have two dogs myself and do wonder some of these things! Michelle who writes Bloggrrl just spelt them out.

I don't know why I am even writing about this contest and then make you compete for the $50 with me! If you do win, remember to treat me to Starbucks, yeah?


  1. LOL. I read that last link about "9 Ways" several times. Could've sworn I read "9 Ways your BLOG is Different From You."

    You can imagine my confusion when I clicked through and initially saw, "People don't lick their own crotches." First thought: oh, no. What's my blog been up to now?

    LOL. Thanks for reminding me to read more slowly.

  2. Hahaha Kate,

    Her imagination is really amazing. I have to admit that I read through her articles a couple of times more to make sure I am not reading something else from what she wrote!!

    So are you participating in this contest? Do leave me a link. Thanks!
