Mr and Miss Internet 2007 | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mr and Miss Internet 2007

Image courtesy of Mr and Miss Internet 2007

How many of you actually fantasize winning a beauty pageant? I know many of us are internet junkies who hide behind the monitor. This does not mean that we're all ugly, just that we are not as outgoing, in my opinion.

Now, you have the chance to show the world your true beauty. Participate in the Mr and Miss Internet 2007 and follow the road to international fame and fortune.

This contest is open to single people from 18 to 40 years old around the world.

There will be two stages to the contest. Ten men and ten women who receive the highest vote totals by midnight GMT, February 28, 2007 will proceed to the voting finals.

The winners, a man and a woman, who receive the most number of points from March 1, 2007 onwards will be decided by midnight GMT, March 31, 2007. Voters too get a chance to win a romantic week in Paris, The City of Love on April 15, 2007!

To find out how this all works, head over to Mr and Miss Internet 2007

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