Free US Phone Number & Voice Mail | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Monday, January 22, 2007

Free US Phone Number & Voice Mail

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Do you join a lot of marketing or survey websites or sign up for a lot of freebies? No matter if you have chosen not to be informed of updates they will still update you either through email or telephone.

If you know what I mean, then like me, you will need a free phone number and voice mail.

You can get this US based phone number and voice mail through
Your number is so private, only you can make it public.

Signing up is very easy and features that come with your free number include:

10,000 voicemails
GottaGo Call
Pricate CallBack
Glitter Numbers
Embeddable voice mail

Use your private phone number and voice mail when you want to stay in touch with your favorite community, forum or social sites, when you want to avoid unwanted callers in auction or classifieds, when you make online enquiries or actual online purchases or when you want a local number for your friends and family to call you at a cheaper rate.

Remember, this is a free service and you can check all incoming calls or voice mails through the phone or online. How cool can that be?

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