Free Food Color Sample | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Free Food Color Sample

Image courtesy of Jagson

I came across this freebie for food color sample. Honestly, I have no idea if anyone would have use for this, maybe people who are in the food industry, or people who are into craft work.

In any case, if you have use for this freebie, click on the link that I have enclosed in this post and fill up the form on the website. A company name has to be provided as well.

There are many colors to choose from. I counted 15. I would like to receive all 15 of them but it looks like I can't. LOL If you are requesting for a freebie here, let me know what you intend to use the sample for and what colour you have chosen!

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