Too Cute: Uberpiglet Free Vectors | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Too Cute: Uberpiglet Free Vectors

Image courtesy of Uberpiglet

My friend read about my post on free creative vectors just now and tipped me off on another amazing website to download free creative vectors. The website in question is called Uberpiglet and their logo itself is just too cute! Judging from this, you know that the free vectors found on this website will not let you down. Well, if you don't like cute, that is another matter all together. I LIKE.

On this website of Uberpiglet, you can find vector backgrounds, business vectors, vector images, vector icons, silhouette vectors and other vector packs. There are so many, you just need to look at them yourself! Once you have chosen what you like, just download them off the site. Do read the terms of use to see if credit is required. It is always good to give credit where it is due, if it's not stated.

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