Blog Contest @ | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Blog Contest @

Wiehanne of dropped me a message earlier today about the contest that she is running on her blog in conjunction with its 3rd blogging anniversary. I actually came across SimplyWP a few days ago, when I stumbled upon the free scrapbooking WordPress theme that is offered by PhotoMix, designed by SimplyWP.

I like the free themes that are being offered by SimplyWP, particularly those scrapbook-like themes but they are not suitable for my use for the time being since I am looking for a free Wordpress-powered ecommerce template and a Wordpress-powered personal website template, not blog themes. It's too bad.

Anyway, if you would like to win some cash, EntreCard credits, and 125 X 125 advertising spots on various blogs, webhosting, domain name and custom theme design by SimplyWP. I will not be listing the whole list of prizes nor mention how you can participate since you can read all about it yourself on

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