Little Prince & Little Princess 2008 Contest | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little Prince & Little Princess 2008 Contest

Image courtesy of Toddlers Contest

Many of my friends whoa re around my age are already fathers and mothers. Their children are so cute that I wonder if they know that there are plenty of opportunities to seek fame for them.

However, not all parents want such exposure and attention for their children. Whatever the case, there is this Little Prince and Little Princess 2008 contest that is being organised by the people behind Mr & Miss Internet.

For this contest, winners will receive US$5000 cash and other prizes. I think that this is a rather attractive prize package considering that this contest is only open to toddlers between 2 - 4 years old.

And the main point the judges look for is cuteness. Haha! If you have a son, daughter or sibling who qualifies, why not give this a shot?

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