Free Online Chinese Course | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Free Online Chinese Course

Image courtesy of LouMa Pinyin

If there's one thing I regret in life, it is my inability to speak Chinese. It is all the tougher for me because I am Chinese and people expect me to understand Chinese. Yet I don't and I blame it on myself.

You see, my parents enrolled me into a Chinese school but I made such a ruckus that they surrendered and sought a transfer for me to an English school. I am sure that if you were English educated as well, you mot probably had a similar experience.

This website, LouMa Pinyin, is offering a free online Chinese course where you can find 25 lessons free of charge. They do have a paid version as well but that's another issue! We are talking about freebies here on my blog.

Anyway, I have not tried these lessons because I am hard pressed for time but they sure look interesting. What would make Chinese easier to learn would be downloadable audio files. So are you interested to learn Chinese? If so, here's your chance to grab these Chinese lessons for free!

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