An Excerpt of Hunger and Other Stories | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

An Excerpt of Hunger and Other Stories

I was introduced to Hunger and Other Stories by my friend who is a voracious reader. Since I do not have the time to explore books like I used to, I follow his recommendation and he has never been off target even once.

There are a total of fourteen in this collection. He told me to read the excerpt of one of the stories to get a taste of what is installed for me in the book. The excerpt that I read was "A Wire Man".

This is a story of father-son and man to man relationships. It is compelling and the writing is distinctly Ian Randall Wilson. This story provokes the mind with its descriptive flow of words that it makes my imagination work overtime.

"A Wire Man" is a very earthy and human story and as a reader, I could feel emotions running raw in every paragraph. Many people go through the same things like the main character, like bad vibes from the father, being forced into doing something against our will, being misunderstood and being accused.

All these ingredients that make up A Wire Man make it such an excellent read. I expect the other stories from Hunger and Other Stories to be as thought-provoking, if not more.

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