Free Trial of Giant Tinker Toys | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Free Trial of Giant Tinker Toys

I recently had the opportunity to visit some social homes for children with learning disabilities. It was part of our company's social campaign to bring cheer to the children.

In the homes, I was introduced to giant tinker toys by the name of Toobeez. These are especially useful to autistic children who are undergoing Toobeez therapy. Not only are these tinker toys useful for therapy or rehabilitation, this fun tool is also excellent in fostering team building and friendship as it is a fun, versatile and innovative tool to connect people and get people to communicate with each other too.

I visited and found that there are actually many types of giant tinker toys. I could see their usefulness on One could see that the people are really having fun with these toys.

I realized that these are actually not only perfect for children, especially those with learning disabilities, but just as useful for adults. As mentioned, these are very good in bringing out our creativity and forging team building.

Toobeez is offering free product trial for a limited time. Do take advantage of this chance to try out the product for yourself. You don't want to miss this!

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