Defending the Family and Home | Contests & Freebies Around the World
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Defending the Family and Home

Last year, my neighbor's house was broken into twice. He made a police report but the police could not do anything except to send a couple of policemen to make some scheduled rounds.

With the sense of security violated in his own home, he felt that he has to do be proactive about protecting his family and property instead of depending on the police, who usually are too late to arrive, anyway!

After the second break in, my neighbor decided to keep a
taser in the house. A taser is like a gun but it is actually a non lethal self defense weapon, although it could shoot two darts at the range of 15ft. As the dart pierces the skin, it will deliver a charge directly into the muscle and nerves.

My neighbor said that it is finally time to take matters into his own hands.

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