Fuel Your Blog For Free | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Fuel Your Blog For Free

Image courtesy of Fuel My Blog

My blogs have low traffic because I do not really go around announcing them to all and sundry or leave comments everywhere. I do read other blogs but I'm known as "The Lurker". I only ever leave comments when I am touched by the post, which is not a common occurrence.

So, I was very happy when I came to know of a website called
FuelMyBlog. We can place a small image of our blog or website on their homepage or in specific categories like Sports or Business.

We get to pick our desired position, as long as it is not taken or booked yet. Each block is 40 X 40 pixels. I have read of such websites before, but what makes FuelMyBlog stand out is its FREE service.

That's right. We can place our image on their site without having to pay. We can also check how many incoming clicks our image managed to garner which is great so that we can see how well we have placed our image.

If you would like to advertise your commercial site, then feel free to contact the administrators regarding the rates.


  1. Thanks very much for the review of our site. Your blogs are excellent.

    Merci bella!

    Kevin fuelmyblog nice guy
