Free WebSite Template Creator | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Monday, January 01, 2007

Free WebSite Template Creator

Image courtesy of

Some of you may know that I've got myself some hosting space on the net for my blogs. In my quest for nice 3-column WordPress themes, I found this website template maker, sort of like Joomla, called ExpressionEngine.

There is the basic (or lite) version which is free to use and there's the premium version that one has to pay for, but it comes with all available features.

I would like to use it too as I have seen what it can do to websites. The ones featured in are so refreshing! I actually haven't found suitable 3-column WordPress themes for my blogs yet, so I might give this a spin. Now, I just need to spare some time o learn this as I only know basic HTML. Bah!

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