Free Short URL | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Free Short URL

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I don't know about you but I have many websites, mostly hosted free. As I do not wish to migrate my content due to various contests that I am running or the high page rank, etc.

So what do you do when the free providers give you a URL that is a mile long that even you yourself do not remember? You shorten it, of course.

There are free URL forwarding services and THERE ARE FREE URL FORWARDING SERVICES.

Some companies will bombard you with advertisements from banners to pop ups and pop unders and what nots.

I came across this website,, that is great in shortening long URLs and yet does not give us any unwanted advertisement. It is free and besides, you get a customized sub-domain name without paying for it.

Why don't you try it out for yourself?

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