Free Kidney Awareness Bracelet | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Free Kidney Awareness Bracelet

Image courtesy of DaVita

Most of the time, we tend to forget our bodies as we go about life. Our bodies function so well, we can hardly feel the organs working so we do things or eat food that may cause our body more harm than good without realising it.

It is important to take care of ourselves before illness sets in. Once we are sick, it is not easy to be 100% again, so why torture ourselves, right?

DaVita is an information portal for all things kidney. As their tagline goes, "Dialysis and kidney disease information at your fingertips". On DaVita, you can be educated on kidney diseases and receive, among others, special recipes for the kidney patient.

DaVita is also currently giving away one Kidney Awareness Bracelet upon any new registration. This bracelet offer is available worldwide.

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