Earn Your Company $15,000 Ca$h | Contests & Freebies Around the World
Contests & Freebies

Friday, January 12, 2007

Earn Your Company $15,000 Ca$h

How can you earn your organization $15,000 cold hard cash instantly? The answer is very easy. Just switch your learning management system to Learn.com.

Now, you may wonder why you need to make such a switch. Learn.com is ranked number one Client Loyalty by Bersin & Associates and is the only e-learning company to be named in 3 Gartner Magic Quadrants.

Moreover, Learn.com offers a total Learning Management Solution instead of using third party components therefore their solutions package is highly integrated and user-friendly.

Only Learn.com is able to offer global services to clients to successfully plan, execute, deliver and support the organization's multi modality e-learning initiative and Human Capital Development & Management.

It says a lot that currently, only Learn.com has the most clients using their latest Learning Management System LearnCenter Platform and they are servicing more than seven hundred clients and fifty million end-users the world over.

So if you have been searching for the best Learning Management System, look no further than Learn.com. There was an influx of over forty corporations making the switch recently. Forty corporations can't be wrong, can they?

And if your organization does not have a Learning Management System, why not implement an e-learning solution today?

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